Difficult Jobs

Some jobs aren’t easy. They require extreme skill and precision. Errors can lead to catastrophic consequences. Oftentimes solutions aren’t readily available and certain amount of research is required prior to launching an implementation. In this day and age, availability and instant access to information is critical to success. Failure is unacceptable and lawyers have joined the fray in ensuring that errors are compensated financially. In short, you screw up, you pay. Oh well, not exactly. You screw up, your insurance pays. Money does allow people to forgive easy.

It is therefore of paramamount importance that people get trained to enhance their skills in their field of endeavor. Some employers even encourage their staff to widen their horizons and explore the possibility of a career shift to eliminate the boredom in their jobs. Doing the same job over and over for 30 years does seem to make people lose interest and consequently their productivity suffers. Job rotation is another thing that most companies practice these days. Doing something different for 6 months isn’t a bad idea. As they say, variety is the spice of life.

Most of us bitch and moan about our jobs not even thinking that there are much worse jobs out there. Quitting isn’t always the solution. Sometimes it appears that all we need is a reality check in form of a day off or a vacation or simply not thinking about work when we get out of the office ! We dream about winning the lotto and not showing up for work the following day so we keep on buying tickets until the day we retire and nothing happens 🙂 Man is by nature lazy. We all want a free ride don’t we? And why not? Some folks have found out the way to beat the system. It’s called going on welfare. (click on icon to enlarge)


I’ve been tagged by SNGLGUY on the 5 favorite posts meme and boy it took me a while to search for these posts 🙂 Again, this meme is kinda difficult to answer because frankly, I find most of the sites I visit are interesting, especially those in my blogroll.

Here are my choices :

1. Alternati – BAH HUMBUG. Rarely would one select a Christmas post but I thought this was one very witty, humurous and pretty that showcases the author’s superb writing skills. Alternati is definitely one I would like to have in my team 🙂

2. Major Tom – BARBER STORY. A post I found nostalgic and made me remember my grandfather who doted on me when I was a young boy. Being the eldest grandson my grandparents literally grabbed me from my parents when my sister was born. Gramps used to take me to the barber and had my hair cut just like his. It was my grandad that pinned my honor medals on me when I was a grader. He was a cool dude and I miss him.

3. Toe – I HEART NEW YORK – A series of posts that chronicled Toe’s trip to the Big Apple which I thought was pretty comprehensive, candid and funny at times 🙂

4. Rizalist – VICTIMOLOGY’S REFLECTION IN A FORK AND SPOON – a thought provoking insight on the Luc Cagadoc story that rocked the Filipino nation and took people to the streets to protest against Canada. I had blogged about this issue (Musings From a Train Ride) and never understood why this was not resolved within the context of parent-teacher dialogue. The story all of a sudden disappeared from the airwaves and one wonders if this was one of those over-hyped stories designed to cast Quebecers as xenophobic morons. By now we seem to have an inkling who the real morons are 🙂

5. Sassy Lawer- PALANGGA TRIES SOCIAL RELEVANCE – what do socialites and environmentalists have in common ? Absolutely NOTHING! This is one hilarious post of a Pinay socialite’s attempt to mix water and oil which as expected, failed miserably 🙂