Christmas Wish ; Sinful Treats

jc0651.gifIt is the holiday season once again, a time for well-wishing and giving and receiving for some 😆 Last year I went on a boat cruise with the family and spent the Christmas holiday in shorts and T-shirts, only to find out that upon my return, I haven’t really escaped and had to pass on the gifts to my dear relatives and friends hehe 🙂 I have been tagged by blogger friend Thess on my Five (5) wishes for this Christmas. Here’s my 5 wishes :

1. I wish for health and happiness
2. I wish my wife enjoys her new stress-free job she started last week 🙂
3. I wish there will be no more tsunamis and earthquakes

4. I am for global warming prevention but wish for snow not to come to my place this winter 🙂

5. I wish that despite people getting in debt, Christmas will never be outlawed :mrgreen:

Now it is my turn to pass the tag to Snglguy, Tin-tin, Ipanema, Verns and Major Tom. Remember that there is no such thing as achievable wish so better leave it to the stars 😉 – it can be silly or mundane, ’tis the season to be jolly lest you forget 😛

TURDUCKEN – Where Art Thou?

I’m quite adventurous with my palate and frankly a little pissed when I prepare an awesome roasted leg of lamb for the Christmas party only to be snubbed by my friends in favor of lechon kawale or kare-kare 👿 My wife would be the pied piper in the group for she would have no second thoughts of buying every conceivable dish for the party from her favorite Pinoy restaurant. She had learned to appreciate dishes from other countries but is still very much Pinoy food die hard when it comes to hosting dinner at home 🙂 One of the great things of living in this cosmopolitan city is you get to eat everything you ate at mother country here. Sometimes I feel my wife and her friends are playing a game by bringing food enough to feed a platoon of hungry marines at our Christmas potluck, only to bag the leftovers for everyone to bring home. I hate the feeling of lugging bags of food going home from a Christmas potluck geez, it’s Christmas party time and not supermarket shopping time. Gosh, why do we Pinoy prepare food like we want to feed the entire block ? What’s up with our culture !


For this Christmas potluck I’m thinking of usurping my wife’s food and beverage management authority and will propose to bring a single dish of Turducken, a boneless turkey stuffed with boneless duck and chicken meat 😉 The only problem is where I am there seem to be no prepared Turducken to be bought and darn, I will have to prepare it myself 😡 I don’t think I have the compulsion to debone a 15 lb turkey along with the duck and chicken. I’ll cross my fingers and hope to find a frozen Turducken for sale somewhere in this city 😎

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