Christmas Wish ; Sinful Treats

jc0651.gifIt is the holiday season once again, a time for well-wishing and giving and receiving for some 😆 Last year I went on a boat cruise with the family and spent the Christmas holiday in shorts and T-shirts, only to find out that upon my return, I haven’t really escaped and had to pass on the gifts to my dear relatives and friends hehe 🙂 I have been tagged by blogger friend Thess on my Five (5) wishes for this Christmas. Here’s my 5 wishes :

1. I wish for health and happiness
2. I wish my wife enjoys her new stress-free job she started last week 🙂
3. I wish there will be no more tsunamis and earthquakes

4. I am for global warming prevention but wish for snow not to come to my place this winter 🙂

5. I wish that despite people getting in debt, Christmas will never be outlawed :mrgreen:

Now it is my turn to pass the tag to Snglguy, Tin-tin, Ipanema, Verns and Major Tom. Remember that there is no such thing as achievable wish so better leave it to the stars 😉 – it can be silly or mundane, ’tis the season to be jolly lest you forget 😛

TURDUCKEN – Where Art Thou?

I’m quite adventurous with my palate and frankly a little pissed when I prepare an awesome roasted leg of lamb for the Christmas party only to be snubbed by my friends in favor of lechon kawale or kare-kare 👿 My wife would be the pied piper in the group for she would have no second thoughts of buying every conceivable dish for the party from her favorite Pinoy restaurant. She had learned to appreciate dishes from other countries but is still very much Pinoy food die hard when it comes to hosting dinner at home 🙂 One of the great things of living in this cosmopolitan city is you get to eat everything you ate at mother country here. Sometimes I feel my wife and her friends are playing a game by bringing food enough to feed a platoon of hungry marines at our Christmas potluck, only to bag the leftovers for everyone to bring home. I hate the feeling of lugging bags of food going home from a Christmas potluck geez, it’s Christmas party time and not supermarket shopping time. Gosh, why do we Pinoy prepare food like we want to feed the entire block ? What’s up with our culture !


For this Christmas potluck I’m thinking of usurping my wife’s food and beverage management authority and will propose to bring a single dish of Turducken, a boneless turkey stuffed with boneless duck and chicken meat 😉 The only problem is where I am there seem to be no prepared Turducken to be bought and darn, I will have to prepare it myself 😡 I don’t think I have the compulsion to debone a 15 lb turkey along with the duck and chicken. I’ll cross my fingers and hope to find a frozen Turducken for sale somewhere in this city 😎


I have lost 15 lbs and trying my darnest best to maintain it, only to find out one morning that I’ve gained 5 lbs and then starve myself again 👿 This holiday season the only way to avoid the binge is to employ the mind over matter strategy hehe 🙂 Have to avoid those sinful treats at all cost, man. Well, here’s a couple of extreme treats favored by well known celebrities who incidentally are no longer around to attest to the boatload of cholesterol and calories they’ve gained.

The Luther Burger

This is called the Luther burger , concocted by the late singer Luther Vandross who was quite a heavyweight himself during most of his singing career. It is bacon cheeseburger squeezed between a couple of shiny Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. So really all you have to do is buy the meat patties, bacon and a dozen of Krispy Kremes, brew some real Colombian coffee and way you go with lunch and dessert rolled into one 🙂 It is known that former heavyweight boxer George Foreman used to gobble up 8 hamburgers after a boxing match. Ugh, I hope they weren’t Big Macs 😎

Fool’s Gold Loaf

This one was the favorite of the King – Elvis Presley at the peak of his heavyweight singing career hehe 🙂 Remember that time when Elvis looked like a bloated WWF wrestler? Well, this dish is most definitely a calorie enhancer, aptly called Fool’s Gold Loaf. The recipe is astonishingly simple – mix one jar of peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, and a pound of bacon. Scoop the mixture inside a hollowed-out loaf of fresh-baked bread, smother the outside in butter and bake. Now this one could last you the entire Boston Marathon and Tour de France combined without loading up 🙂 Man, if this was the Elvis the King’s breakfast special I wonder what he craved for dinner 😯

We will all pig out this Christmas no doubt but it’s best to stay away from sinful treats ! face004.gif

32 Responses

  1. You can run but you can’t hide with Christmas haha ..

    I love to taste the Turducken. Wow, the Luther burger looks scrupmtious ! I’ll try to make it 😛

  2. oh my God…..foodies! love all these, now am famished!

    thanks for the tag. i will post that. 🙂

  3. Sinful food, eh? But heck! Christmas only comes once a year. So, let’s all pig out!!!

  4. Speaking of pigging out for the holidays, why not try to roast a stuffed suckling pig in your backyard? That’ll surely bring your guests back to the table for a second and third serving, hehe. 😀

    Thankd for the tag, bro… 🙂

    PS: Is that you preparing that humongous turkey in the picture?

  5. Irrealis – you bet, you can run but never hide with Christmas, unless you declare yourself totally incommunicado a year before the holidays. It’s just on of those facts of life you have to live with – gotta spend the money hehe 🙂

    I tasted Turducken at a hotel but it’s never popular where I am – more of a Cajun delicacy. Some people consider it extreme cuisine 😎

  6. Ipanema – lol, you better try the Luther burger – it is so easy to make hehe 🙂 I bet you still have enough room for those calories! Don’t forget the brewed coffee though 😛

  7. Abaniko – hmmm. dunno about that bro but at work we had a company Christmas dinner at a hotel, a departmental party last Thu and a divisional party on the 18th hehe 🙂 I also have a Xmas dinner with family and relatives on the 24th, a Xmas potluck with friends on the 25th 🙂 Truly a sinful eating season for me I guess 😛

  8. Sngl – My backyard is full of snow as we speak so creating a roasting pit is out of the question hehe 🙂

    There’s a mobile pig roaster who roams around with his stainless roasting pit and he charges 700 bucks for a pig roast, pig obviously included and he will do it in your backyard. He needs 7 hours to roast it to perfection though. I’d rather get a Pinoy or Chinese style roast for 130 bucks offered by restaurants here 🙂

    As for having a pit in the backyard, I got to have a closed grill otherwise my neighbors will complain with the heavy smoke of the open pit 😯 You know how it is here plus I had my house landscaped this fall so doing it on the ground is WWIII with my wife hehe 🙂

    BTW that’s not me on the pic. It’s some Cajun dude from New Orleans – it just picked the pic from the net 🙂

  9. hi. i like your potluck post. Pinoys always cook more than necessary because we are very hospitable people :-).

    why not buy a big lechon for your group for the potluck instead? every family can share the cost of the lechon.

  10. Jane_b – great idea for the wallet except that lechon has somehow lost its popularity because people here, young and old, have become health freaks and are afraid of fats and cholesterol. The alternative is a plate of lechon or lechon kawale for those brave souls 🙂

  11. so, what happened to your # 4 wish? this mr. mean snow spared you Friday night and Saturday AM. I got stuck just about a block away from home, the sidestreet and the civic, from overnight “pot luck” town mates party in Ajax, and didn’t check the Phone for messages only to come to our Company’s Holiday Dinner with not a single soul at the venue. It was cancelled due to the weather and yes when I get back home there was a message when I was out..felt like a fool and very hungry..hehe..

  12. 700 bucks for a roasted pig? Man, that’ll buy at least a half a dozen full-sized lechon here… it’s freaking expensive.

  13. Nice Xmas wishes bro. I’d do the tag soonest time possible.

    And hey, what luscious meals you got there, like food for the kings they are.

    I think I can be Elvis once in a while and prepare that very easy sandwich.

  14. Vic – my wish went to the drain the day after I posted it duh 😡 Man that snowstorm was diabolical!

    My house happens to be in the cul-de-sac, and being a corner curved lot, I got most of the snow the monster snow plow dragged to clear the road. Having spent more than an hour shoveling, the monster plow ran by my house and deposited a barrier of snow about two feet high in front of my driveway 👿 I’m a winter wimp I admit grrr. 😡

  15. Sngl – the 700 bucks is ludicrous except for the experience of someone roasting a 100 lb pig at your backyard with a mobile roaster and you not worrying about a clean up. It is more of show than anything, like you serve roasted pork to your guests at the backyard 😎

    I’d go for the 130 bucks lechon, Pinoy style anytime except that I’m avoiding it at all cost hehe 😉

  16. Major Tom – thanks for accepting the tag. I have to thank Snglguy too ( Bro sorry for doing it here) for his acceptance 🙂

    That’s the danger of the Elvis recipe it is so darn easy to make ! Try it out and be Elvis and let me know bro..hahaha 🙂 Looks yummy once you slice the baked bread with the high calorie stuff dripping out 😛

  17. why do we Pinoy prepare food like we want to feed the entire block ? What’s up with our culture !

    I think we really love to eat. We are a happy people and we like to make others feel at home by preparing more than enough. 🙂

    I love to try that turducken but give me lechon kawale and kare-kare anytime! 🙂

  18. Ipanema – I think it stems from our over-hospitable character that we don’t ever want to fall short of food which will be the ultimate embarrasment 😯 In our group we end up bringing home half of the prepared food most of the time that’s why we never have a lunch potluck because it will end up to dinner for sure and we won’t have time for anything else hehe 🙂

  19. that burger looks insanely delicious. grrr!

  20. My goodness! That Luther’s Burger and Fool’s Gold Loaf are just mouth-watering! Christmas talaga is food for the heart (attack). 🙂

  21. bro, thanks for doing this tag..aint it fun?! 😛

    masyado naman makasalanan ang enty na ito! *lol!* great wishes too! but why spoil a white Christmas , if ever? bundle up! he he.

    regards from cold cold Holland1

  22. Bonniefazzyo- the Luther burger is pretty tempting I agree but it’s loaded hehe 😉

  23. Toe – Xmas is definitely bloating time ! I’d go for your fish dish anytime believe me hehe 🙂

  24. Thess – thanks for tagging me too. I was my pleasure to do it. Xmas is sinful food wise I agree hehe 🙂

    The weather forecast is we will not have a White Xmas next week – perfectly fine with me ! I had enough of the white stuff 😆

  25. that is really the reason. over here, they are the same. people take home the food. it’s better than having it thrown or gets rotten in the fridge. 😦

  26. the luther burger looks too big. but i bet it is delicious.

    i am into mixed mushroom, dried tomato, olive oil and rye bread nowadays.

    oh God, forgive me for all dellicious food these holidays! lol

  27. bro, do you know Charice Pempengco? if not, come see my entry, k? Nakakakilabot sa galing ang bata!

  28. Ipanema – it’s better to take home the food than throw it away for sure. My wife’s amigas look like they’re going to the supermarket when they go to the potluck by bringing home a ton load of cooked for the fridge 🙂

    Those stuff you mentioned are very healthy indeed. I had a tough time at our Xmas party at a hotel when I had to stay at the salad and antipasto section and forayed over to the main dish section for fish and nothing more but I did really well 🙂 It was kinda mind over matter for me 😎

  29. Thess – never really got a chance to see her except in that YouTube post of yours. Whew ! She’s one of a kind really 🙂 Looks like she could do Vegas now ! 😎

  30. […] line with the yuletide celebration, blog pal BW recently tagged me with a meme wherein I have to list down my 5 wishes for this Christmas. After […]

  31. I like snow for Christmas . I am still wishing for a white Christmas.

    Goodluck in escaping the sinfulness of the holiday treats.

    The turducken is suppose to be healthy so you can eat lots of those.

  32. Leah – it’s a long stretch so I hope I can maintain avoiding those sinful treats 🙂

    I’ve b een googling the web for turducken but couldn’t find any being sold in the city 😦

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