Weird Things Meme

I guess everyone has his own weirdness, something that sets ourselves apart from others. Talking about my “benign” weirdness … here’s my response to Major Tom’s tag about 6 weird things about me:

1. I can’t eat inside a train , bus or subway. My wife hates me for this. In the few times that we go home together in the train commute, she would buy us a couple of take home burger combos to munch in the train, I would pass up. I just hate people looking at me eating. I would eat only if we manage to secure the two seater at back end of the train.

2. I’m a watch freak. I own a dozen wrist watches of different makes and models. In my house, I also have clocks all over the place – bedrooms, family room, kitchen, living room, dining room, bathrooms and basement. With the clocks in my microwave and oven range not including phone displays, I have counted 21 functioning clocks in my house. My bedroom has 2 clocks – one LCD on top of the TV that gleams when the lights are all out and one on the wall . When I wake up , the first thing I see is the bright red LCD clock showing the time. The transition from EST ( Eastern Standard Time) to DST ( Daylight Saving Time) and vice-versa is a nightmare for me. I swear I could pay someone just to adjust all the clocks and watches my house.

3. I hate to take lessons. I played tennis all my life but never had a single lesson with a pro. I have been playing golf for about 4 years now, but had just a 1 hour lesson with a lady pro at a resort. I watch the golf channel on TV everyday, subscribe to magazines, bought instructional CD’s, books, customized my equipment but I just don’t feel the need to take lessons. I could have improved more if I took lessons. I’m not sure what’s bugging me . I guess I’m just plain stubborn or lazy.

4. When I get hooked on fishing, I could drive 4 hours to a fishing spot, fish the spot for 8 hours and drive back home for another 4 hours and do it again the next day.

5. When I’m stalled in traffic, I glance at billboards and sign boards and split words in bunches of two, then three or four letters. This seems to be what my mind likes to do when when it is idle.

6. I could live up the rest of my life without eating rice.

Talking about rice, we Pinoys eat rice with almost anything don’t we. My wife can’t survive a day without eating rice. Italians grasp in horror when we spaghetti with rice. Do we care about harmony in food at all? What about harmony of colors and texture ? I think the only beverage that blends well with a Chinese meal is tea. With Pinoy food, I am thinking coconut water. I mean we can serve dinuguan, spaghetti and sinigang in one sitting and it’s perfectly alright! Try eating them without rice – yuck, they won’t blend at all. But put rice on the table and they all taste great. Rice… the great equalizer indeed. Just today I gave my 5 year old daughter rice and dinuguan and two cones of cherry ice cream. I’m just thinking… If I take a photo of a bowl of dinuguan and 2 scoops of cherry ice cream of the side.. arrggh.. well, black and pink seem to go well together LOL.. Culinary disaster or extreme cuisine?